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Panel meters are measuring instruments that display the value of an applied input signal. These are usually current, voltage or resistance signals. Input types can include thermocouples, potentiometers and load cells. Many of our models also provide set points, relays, analog and/or digital outputs as well as programmability. For an overview of panel meter types, click here.

Types of Panel Meters

DC Volt Meters and Ammeters
Panel Meter products designed to measure or monitor DC voltage and current are found in this category. Bristol Instruments carries five panel meters of various sizes and number of digits displayed. The models range from 3½ to six digits displayed. Accuracy is as tight as ±0.1% depending on model. View products, features and specifications in this category here.

Process Monitors
Highly accurate meters often designed to monitor, alert and control a process in industry define this category. Some can be loop powered. Relay outputs as well as analog or digital outputs are typical for panel meters in this category. View products, features and specifications in this category here.

AC Volt Meters and Ammeters
Panel Meter products designed to measure or monitor DC voltage and current are found in this category. Bristol Instruments carries three panel meters of various sizes and number of digits displayed including AC network analyzer. The input ranges include 0 to 60 mV, up to 450 V and 0 to 1 up to 5 A depending on the model. Accuracy is as tight as ±0.1% depending on model. View meters, features and specifications here. Current transformers are shown on our Accessories page. These convert high current sources to be measured into typically a few hundred millivolts to apply to a meter input which can be easily scaled in the meter software. View products, features and specifications in this category here.

Temperature Monitors
Discrete temperature monitors are meters that are designed to accept a temperature sensor for an input. Our panel meters go further with some models that can apply a linearization function or user entered points to apply a linearization formula to. They are also designed to accept 50/100/500/1,000 Pt and 50/100 Cu RTDs, thermocouples of types J/K/T/E/B/S/R/N/L and 1,000/10,000 Ni temperature sensors. View products, features and specifications in this category here.

Load Cell Meters
Designed to connect to strain gauge bridges for weight measurements, these panel meters can be configured to accept 1 to 4 mV/V, 2 to 8 mV/V or 4 to 16 mV/V input ranges with a 6-wire connection for +/- input, +/- sense and +/- supply. They also have a shield input. Tare, filters and linearization can be applied as well. View products, features and specifications in this category here.

Potentiometers / Position Sensor Meters
All of our universal panel meters are designed with specific inputs for linear potentiometers. Most have excitation for applications that require it. View products, features and specifications in this category here.

Our 502I meter provides both instantaneous and time-integral output values in response to one of several ranges of current or voltage inputs. View products, features and specifications in this category here.

All of our universal panel meters have programmable linearization and filtering capability. View products, features and specifications in this category here.

Digital Data Displays
Our meters all have LED digital displays for high readability in various lighting environments. Display brightness is settable on most models. Several models offer different digit heights and our large displays are designed to be read from a distance and work indoors or outdoors. View products, features and specifications in this category here.

Counters/Frequency Meters/Timers
This class of our panel meters accepts TTL, NPN/PNP and frequency inputs within various voltage ranges depending on the model. Some are simple displays while others are programmable with selectable measuring modes as well as relay, analog and digital output options. View products, features and specifications in this category here.

PID Controllers
If you need a PID controller, ours is specifically designed to be easy to use, has a 24-bit A/D converter for high accuracy and fully programmable. View products, features and specifications in this category here.

Call Bristol Instruments on 877-866-8500 or email us for complete information including specifications or to discuss your application